1. Pamela Hackett snuggles her pup Cookie
2. A boxer named Hugo loves drinking from the “river”
3. A doggie dad scratches his pooch
4. A doggie mom poses with her large poodle
5. A curious pug hams it up for the camera
6. Gabby cradles her dog Dodger
Photos by Zsuzsi Steiner
Bluff Creek Fields hosted Playa Vista’s second annual Puppy Hour — a social happy hour for dogs and their humans — on April 13, a wonderfully warm and sunny Saturday that made up for a February outing being postponed due to sudden rainstorms.
People and their pooches filled the dog park with smiles and excited barks. Locals Linda Gustafson and Kris Saunders brought their 10-year-old black boxer Leilah to play with their neighbor’s brown boxer, 4-year-old Hugo. The two play-fought and gallivanted near their humans.
Shaggy and rambunctious 7-month-old puppy Frankie played with 15-month-old Luna. The bright-eyed, brown-and-white pup with perky ears briefly settled into the base of the “river,” comically hogging the spout and watching Frankie play before jumping back into the action. Their owners Anne Kupfer and Jo Belasco regularly come all the way from Venice and Pacific Palisades because of how much their dogs enjoy the drinking from the brook feature and playing on the fuss-free turf.
— Lara J. Altunian
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