As I curated the stories for this issue, it struck me that every single one focused on creating new, cutting edge experiences. Former Playa Vista CEO Steve Soberoff told us that, “Playa Vista wasn’t conceived as a real estate project, it was conceived as a public policy project.” It’s clear that part of that public policy relies on pushing the boundaries of what is possible in this new age.
When I toured the Annenberg PetSpace and mingled with the crowd the day of its grand opening, I was excited to learn how much technology has been integrated into this innovative animal shelter. Things like interactive walls and windows exist everywhere in PetSpace to add to the educational and fun experience of visiting. The selfie camera in the human-sized hamster wheel speaks to our current culture that values experiences over anything else.
Jai Al-Attas, CEO of Loqules, seems to agree with that sentiment. In our interview, he told us how millennials in particular value experiences over material items and has created a company that caters to those values. “There’s only so many Apple watches you can have,” says Al-Attas, “so what millennials want now is an experience. … We’re really in the experience economy.”
Also creating opportunities for experience is the Shane’s Inspiration playground located in Playa Vista Sports Park. This park is designed specifically to allow children with disabilities to play alongside other kids, giving them the typical playground experience most of us remember from our own childhoods.
When I visited the Film2Future workshops for disadvantaged high school kids, I got to watch as these joyful, young filmmakers experienced the process of creating an original, animated video. Their work focused on the theme of diversity and told some powerful stories.
Creating a unique experience of its own is Playa Vista’s newest restaurant, Tocaya Organica, which is the very first 100 % organic fast-casual Mexican eatery.
Playa Vista may only be 1.3 square miles, but the amount of exciting and inspiring new experiences seem to be endless. I sincerely hope you enjoy the experience of reading our latest issue.
Shanee Edwards
Managing Editor ·
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