By Shanee Edwards
Thursday, March 8, was International Women’s Day. To celebrate, the new Lorna Jane Playa Vista opened its doors, rolled the clothing racks aside and let a group of superwomen exercise, meditate, eat and shop.
Created by the indefatigable Esme Leon, the Superwoman Workshop is a workout for body, mind and soul. She started the event by sharing her intension for the workshop: “I want to create a space where, together, we create the next generation of super women who harness and own their power.”
To nurture self-esteem, she encouraged each woman to share something she was proud of with the group. After that, the feminine energy in the room was electric.
Next was a high-energy, vigorous interval workout to pop beats, a guided meditation and a clean dinner provided by Fitness with Taste.
Lorna Jane gave all participants
25% off its stylish yet durable active-wear designed with posh colors and playful prints.
Sweaty, with well-nourished bodies and souls, the wonder women of Playa Vista show off their muscles and favorite Lorna Jane gear
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